Monday 24 August 2015

Decreasing Age ....Increasing Pain....not lifestyle this time its social issue

Today i was just thinking of what to write, then a 11 year old girl walked in my clinic , cute face , sharp nose and beautiful eyes , with one of my very faithful client who believe on me very much  and always consult once if any medical issue arise in the family . And today she was with her friends daughter . After warm welcome of her i asked the concern , and after listening her i was bit upset reason was the neck pain of that little angle , i cant believe she is getting symptoms of postural cervical spondolysis with prominent swelling on back of neck which generally i see in ladies of 40 + .

My concern was obvious about her physical activity , mother replied no physical activity . " growing girl i cant send alone out , ' she is right at her place . Then what about the health this is toooo early for her to get these kind of signs & symptoms , i am confuse where to focus on the social issue she arise or the pain . so i did my job , council both the girl and the mother and taught few exercise and local area treatment to handle the current problem .But my mind is still occupied with the thought of this insecurity in the mother and the society as a whole i know it is a big issue in our society , cant we do anything at least a bit  through en-culture good "Sanskar" in male around us  , our sons and there friends . A bit of time can change life ,we need to spend time with our kids.

Wednesday 29 July 2015

STRESS Has the potential to MAKE you and MAR you

Stress is everyday fact of life . Its is something , which cant be avoided . It creeps in stealthily and has the potential to make you or mar you.

Important is how best you can cope with it and lead a healthy, preventive and progressive life. Modern  life with  its fast pact, occupational  achievements, personal  ambitions,  social pressures environmental  poison  and our  orientation  to  sedentary mental work,  present  almost all  of  us  with  constantly  stressful situations.Though  we  all  have  our  own environment and deal/ react  in  different way to  stresses fact  remains  that  all  of  us  are  affected by it  in some  way  or other, at  some  time or the  other.

In simple team, stress is a reaction / response to any kind of change.  It is the physical and emotional response to situation,which are perceived as  novel ,frightening,confusion, exiting or tiring. It is not  only gets precipitated  by  external demands,but also be generated  from with  in  by  our hopes,  fears, expectations and beliefs. It act  like  a  signal  for the  mind  and  body  to get prepared  for  any  eventuality.
Stress  places a demand  on human  mind  and body with right  attitude and in  right  amount ,  it make  us  well  managed in a  particular   situation and  it is  good to take  a  beautiful amount  of stress  to get out beautifully  from any unfavorable  situation and we  “glow up”. and become more active , refined , more sensitive , understanding , and more productive. Its important to decide a right amount of stress in any situation that can build and destroy you. 

However, when stress become prolonged and chronic,(long team) stress can then become  too demanding and debilitating. Not only can it destroy your looks, but also your vitality and eventually your health.It  create  a lot of  pressure  and  tension on the bodily system.The body& mind are in high alert  without  much  required  periods  of  rest.That ultimately cause major damage in the Form of burn out". 

At initial stage of burnout it can be controlled with in by knowing its exact cause and by adaptation and modification of behavior . Check on persistent  irritability,  anxiety , high BP, insomnia,forget fullness,  inability  to  concentrate, headaches , any  dependency etc . If any  thing  you  found abnormal  then consult  once any counselor or find out your stresses and work on  it  to  manage with  in  yourself  or  with  the help of  any  right  person. If stress is not controlled in   initial stages it may  cause psychosomatic  disorders and severe damage then you need a counselor to help you to make right coping strategy.  

Friday 10 July 2015

World Population Day ...2015...“Vulnerable Populations in Emergencies”

Today  the whole world is celebrating World Population Day 2015 . The theme of 2015 is “Vulnerable Populations in Emergencies”. 
Theme is bit unclear when we read it .To understand it there is a definition , that can make it understandable .
"Vulnerable populations can be defined broadly to include those who are not able to access and use the standard resources offered in disaster preparedness and planning, response, and recovery."
Current Indian population 1,289,391,256 (1.28 billion) As of July 10, 2015 & current worlds population is more then 7 billion.
World Population Day is a great event being celebrated all through the world annually on 11th of July. It is celebrated to increase the awareness of the people towards the worldwide population issues. It was first started in the year 1989 by the Governing Council of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

What is the significance of this day - As the population will increase then there will be shortage of resources and unequal distribution is natural , The basic need of food , shelter , cloth ( roti , kapda , or makan) is chief concern . Other then this one more very imperative need is health care , its growing demand of man power and  cost  for lifestyle diseases is arising as a major issue .

11 NOVEMBER 2013 | RECIFE, BRAZIL - The world will be short of 12.9 million health-care workers by 2035.

Chronic diseases could cost global economy $47-trillion, That number, $47-trillion (U.S.), is so staggeringly large as to be almost unbelievable. But that is how much five chronic illnesses will cost the global economy over the next 20 years, according to a new study commissioned by the World Economic Forum.

The research is a bitter cue that the five conditions – cancer, diabetes, mental illness, heart disease and respiratory illness – do not merely pose health challenges for individuals but an economic challenge for the world for decades to come.

Today, the big five kill 36 million people a year (of the 57 million deaths in total). By 2030, non-communicable diseases (NCDs) will claim 52 million or 80 per cent of all deaths.
Best way to deal this crisis in future is prevention ( true prevention ) , adopting a healthy lifestyle i.e good nutrition and exercise . As  Indian we should proud honorable prim minister Modi ji to give  " yoga day " to the whole word , best thing to control lifestyle diseases epidemic. We all should adopt yoga in our routine .  

Source :-


Sunday 5 July 2015

FATTY LIVER a Metabolic Disorders

Few days back there was a news in TOI (Times of india) about the fatty liver, Liver transplants in India are facing a strange hurdle — fatty liver”, not shocking to me, In routine i am interacting with fatty liver patients and understand the problems they  face in there routine and how they land up in sever life threatening metabolic disorders if not get a proper guidance in early stage of fatty liver that can be reversible .

According to the news top surgeons say nearly 50% of livers from live donors and 80% of those from cadavers are rejected because there is excess accumulation of fat in the organ.
We all know there is continuous increase in metabolic disorders , like obesity, diabetes, etc  and hand to hand the artificial food too in the market without any strong regulation. Things will be more worse if we will not get aware and conscious about these health & food issues in our golden sparrow – turning to IT eagle

In Indian our eating habits are so bad and the use of transfat is so much , thanks to TOI for its another news , “Indian snacks are loaded with trans fat”. Both of the news are correlated and must read.

What is this fatty liver, what are its causes and what we can do to prevent this condition that can be a major cause of metabolic disorders and visa versa.

What is a fatty liver?

A fatty liver is the result of the excess fat in liver cells. Fatty tissue slowly builds up in the liver when a person’s diet exceeds the amount of fat his or her body can handle. A person has a fatty liver when fat makes up at least 5% of the liver . Simple fatty liver can be a completely benign condition and usually does not lead to liver damage. However, once there is a buildup of simple fat, the liver becomes vulnerable to further injury, which may result in inflammation and scarring of the liver . 

What causes fatty liver disease?

Genetic predisposition, lack of exercise, and a diet rich in ghee, sugar, and oils, all conspire to make fatty liver a major health problem in India.
Other causes of fat accumulation within liver cells are excessive alcohol intake, many drugs (particularly chemotherapeutic agents and certain antiviral medications), pregnancy, and chemicals such as carbon tetrachloride.

Nutritional causes of fatty liver disease are:

  • starvation and protein malnutrition,
  • long term use of total parenteral nutrition (a feeding procedure that involves infusing nutrients directly into the blood stream),
  • intestinal bypass surgery for obesity,
  • rapid weight loss.
  • Trans fat in our daily diet

Certain conditions often accompany and may contribute to fatty liver disease:

  • obesity
  • diabetes mellitus,
  • hyperlipidemia (elevated lipids in the blood),
  • insulin resistance and high blood pressure.
Trans fat as a major cause :

Partially hydrogenated oils (PHOs) / Artificial trans fat , are widely used in bakery products (cakes, biscuits, pizzas, pastries, etc), fried products (potato, corn chips, etc), deep fried foods like French fries, doughnuts, fried chicken and various Indian deep fried snacks, coffee creamer, margarine etc. In India, trans fat is consumed a lot in the form of vanaspati, a cheaper source of fat that improves taste as well. Indian restaurants use vanaspati for cooking bhaturas, paranthas, puris and tikkis among others. Repeated use of the same oil for frying adds to the problem. 

There is no regulation of artificial trans fat in India. Manufacturers merely put a label on them, mentioning the trans fat content, but it is written in a small font that's hard to notice, and we consume in our daily routine

A fatty liver is reversible in its early stages through right dietary correction and lifestyle modification.

If the offending causes are curtailed or ceased, but continued injury can ultimately cause progression to NASH (non alcoholic fatty liver), cirrhosis, and liver cancer.

Source :

Tuesday 30 June 2015

National Doctor’s Day 2015 - 1st July

Medical Profession is considered as one of the noblest professions worldwide. Though effective healthcare delivery depends on collective efforts of all health professionals such as nurses and technicians, doctor is the leader of the health team. In the Indian context in spite of good health infrastructure, there is acute shortage of doctors especially in the rural areas. The effective utilisation of doctors is the need of our country. In appreciation of contribution of doctors to the nation many countries observe National Doctors Day every year. In India, it is celebrated on 1st July.
History of Doctor’s Day in India:
India has produced a number of eminent doctors. One such person is Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy (B.C Roy) a well-known Physician and second Chief Minister of West Bengal. The National Doctor’s Day is celebrated in the memory of Dr.B. C Roy whose birth day and death anniversary falls on 1st July. The event was started in the year 1991 to pay tribute to him. He started many institutions, hospitals and contributed a lot to the development of the Indian society.
Objectives of this day:
To showcase the role and importance of doctors in our lives
To thank the doctors for their self less service and their contribution to the individuals and the community
source : NHP india ( national health portal )

Thursday 25 June 2015

Nutritional & wellness Tips in Monsoon:

The humid and grimy conditions in monsoon plays a host for many disease causing germs, which cause some serious health issues like dengue, malaria, conjunctivitis, typhoid, viral fever, pneumonia, gastro intestinal disturbances, diarrhea and dysentery. If your immune system is weak you are supposed to catch these diseases instantly. Adopt few health & wellness tips to maintain seasonal good health.
1. Eat fruits as they help you restore energy. Apples, mangoes, pomegranates, and pears are best suggestible. Avoid watermelon and muskmelons and also goosing on too many mangoes may cause pimples.
2. Have medium to low salt food and avoid heavy salty food as they are responsible for high blood pressure and water retention.
3. Eating watery foods like lassi, watermelon, rice, muskmelon creates swelling in the body. So, better opt for foods which are drying in nature like corn, gram flour, chick pea etc.
4.Foods such as brown rice, oats, and barley are the best foods one could have in this monsoon.
5.Body’s immunity can be increased by adding a dash of garlic to the soups, sir fries and curries you intake.
6.Opt for yogurt, curd and almonds in your diet instead of milk. Drink only boiled and purified water to protect yourself from harmful germs and drinking plenty of water keeps your body hydrated.
7.Consuming bitter vegetables like bitter gourd, and bitter herbs like neem, turmeric powder and methi seeds help in preventing infections.
8.Consume drying oils like corn oil or light oil and avoid heavy oils like sesame oil, peanut oil and mustard oil as they fall in first place to invite infections.
9.People who face skin allergies during rainy seasons must avoid spicy foods. Spicy foods raise body temperature and stimulate blood circulation and it leads to allergies and skin irritation.
10.Avoid naturally sour foods like tamarind, tomatoes and lime in your diet as it promotes water retention.
11.Avoid too much of fish and meat this season and heavy curries and non- vegetarians should go for light meat preparations like stew and soups.
12.Astringent, mildly bitter and pungent foods must be best served this season.
13.Drink lots of herbal teas, especially those with antibacterial properties. These include ginger, pepper, honey, mint and basil leaves. Excessive intake of coffee and tea dehydrates body fluids so
they must be better avoided.
14.Avoid eating fried items, pre- cut fruits and juices from road side vendors and stick to high quality and hygiene.
15.People who suffer with arthritis should drink warm water with tulsi and dalchini (cardamom) on an empty stomach in the morning. Doing this improves bowel syndromes and also decreases pains in joints.
16.Always wash vegetables well and keep them clean especially if they are taken raw.
17. Dry yourself asap if you get wet in rain and always take home bath after a rain bath .

*net source 

Thursday 4 June 2015

Peptic ulcer

A peptic ulcer is a sore in the inner lining of the stomach or upper small intestine
Ulcers form when the intestine or stomach's protective layer is broken down. When this happens, digestive juices—which contain hydrochloric acid and an enzyme called pepsin—can damage the intestine or stomach tissue.
Peptic ulcer is very painful , may force a patient to call even in very odd hours to doctor , and a doctor does not  feel pain only , but can feel the fear of the persistence of that pain . 

This pain is often described as burning or gnawing and may extend to your back. If you have a stomach ulcer, the pain usually comes on about 15 to 20 minutes after eating. If you have a duodenal ulcer, the pain will usually come on one to three hours after a meal. The pain may also wake you at night.Different people have different symptoms, and some people have no symptoms at all.

Common Symptoms

  • A burning, aching, or gnawing pain between the belly button (navel) and the breastbone. Some people also have back pain. The pain can last from a few minutes to a few hours and may come and go for weeks.
  • Pain that usually goes away for a while after you take an antacid or acid reducer.
  • Loss of appetite and weight loss.
  • Bloating or nausea after eating.
  • Vomiting.
  • Vomiting blood or material that looks like coffee grounds.
  • Passing black stools that look like tar, or stools that contain dark red blood. 
The two most common causes of peptic ulcers are:

  • Infection with Helicobacter pylori Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) bacteria.
  • Use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as  aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen.

Certain lifestyle changes can lessen your risk of developing peptic ulcers. These include:
  • Quitting smoking and other tobacco use
  • Eating a healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains
  • Not drinking more than two alcoholic beverages a day
  • Not mixing alcohol with medication
  • Washing your hands frequently to avoid infections
  • Limiting your use of ibuprofen, aspirin, and naproxen sodium

Nutrition and Dietary Supplements
Following these nutritional tips may help reduce symptoms:
  • Foods containing flavonoids, like apples, celery, cranberries (including cranberry juice), onions, garlic, and tea may inhibit the growth of H. pylori.
  • Eat antioxidant rich foods, including fruits (such as blueberries, cherries, and tomatoes), and vegetables .
  • Eat foods high in B vitamins and calcium, such as almonds, beans, whole grains (if no allergy), dark leafy greens (such as spinach and kale), and sea vegetables.
  • Avoid refined foods, such as white breads, pastas, and sugar.
  • Eat fewer red meats and more lean meats, cold water fish, tofu (soy, if no allergy) or beans for protein.
  • Use healthy oils, such as olive oil or vegetable oil.
  • Reduce or eliminate trans-fatty acids, found in commercially baked goods such as cookies, crackers, cakes, French fries, onion rings, donuts, processed foods, and margarine.
  • Avoid beverages that may irritate the stomach lining or increase acid production including coffee (with or without caffeine), alcohol, and carbonated beverages.
  • Drink 6 - 8 glasses of filtered water daily.
  • Exercise at least 30 minutes daily, 5 days a week.
These supplements may also help:

  • Probiotic supplement ,  Probiotics or “friendly” bacteria may help maintain a balance in the digestive system between good and harmful bacteria such as H. pylori. Probiotics may help suppress H. pylori infection and may also help reduce side effects from taking antibiotics, the treatment for an H. pylori infection. Some probiotic supplements may need to be refrigerated for best results.
  • Vitamin C, 500 - 1,000 mg 1 - 3 times daily -- One study found that taking vitamin C along with triple therapy allowed the dose of one antibiotic to be lower. Vitamin C may also be helpful in treating bleeding stomach ulcers.

Thursday 14 May 2015

Healthy Weight Gain for Teenagers: Must read for Parents

Some teenagers have difficulty keeping up with the energy needs of their bodies and may be underweight. The reason for this may be
·         They are growing taller
·         Exercising a lot with sports
·         Might simply have a high metabolism
·         Eating less according to the body requirement
·         Any stress or eating disorder
·         May not be getting balanced nutrition. He may not be getting enough vitamins, minerals (such as iron and calcium), protein, or dietary fat for a healthy body. For example, a growing teen needs plenty of calcium and vitamin D to make strong bones.

You can help your teen by these simple ways

Ø       Add butter to food. For example, at breakfast, spread a generous amount of butter toast, or an egg sandwich. At lunch and dinner, use butter on chapatti or in dal & veggies .
Ø       Use whole fat dairy products such as whole milk, full fat or regular cheese and yogurt instead of skim, reduced fat, or low fat dairy products. For example, at breakfast suggest that your teen have a glass of whole milk with his meal or with cereal or oatmeal. Or can have a glass of fullcream milk in evening ½ hr  before going to play.
Ø       Modify Cooking: cook more healthy food , add salads , fruits , and dry fruits in cooking like extra dry fruits in rice , salad dressing with nuts and cream , chapatti with some stuffing and veggies with some dressings .
Ø       Use "Extras": try to add few extra calories in the form of small snacks like muffin , cookies , nuts, ice-cream, shakes .etc 
Ø       Maximize Portions: You may wonder how much food to offer your teen at meals and snacks. Paying attention to portions is a great idea for weight gain. First, think about how much your teen eats for most of his meals and snacks. Slowly try to increase the overall volume of food at each meal, starting with one meal. For example, try adding one food item to a typical breakfast. Add some fruit to cereal and milk. Then try increasing the amount of cereal. Make sure you switch to whole milk.
Ø       Batter to give home made food : Avoid preserve or packed food , cook fresh and serve . avoid any packed drinks instead give home made shakes and fruit juice
Ø       Never compare : Never compare your kid with other siblings or any friends kids , every one is different and always concentrate individual health concerns without comparing
Ø       Do not force : It's okay to encourage your teen to finish his meal or snack, but do not force him to eat or to clean his plate. Prepare meals with high energy/calorie food and keep the volume of food normal.
Ø       It's a great idea to offer a second helping of any food that your teen enjoys with a meal. For example, if he loves mashed potatoes, an extra scoop is great. If he is super thirsty at lunch, it's fine for him to have another glass of juice, whole milk, or lemonade. If he is particularly hungry after school, give him an extra snack or double the snack portion.
Ø       Eating on a schedule:  Encourage your teen to eat three meals each day and three snacks in the mid-morning, afternoon, and evening before bedtime.
Ø       Don’t focus on food always: Be sure that food and nutrition doesn't take up all your time and thoughts. Thinking and talking about good nutrition is key when trying to encourage weight gain but remember to have discussions about school, sports, current events, and feelings with your teen.

When Should  meet  any specialists?
Ø      A Dietitian (Nutritionist) : if your teen is underweight , feeling loss of energy after any physical activity , complain always  for leg pain and lethargy , feel difficult to getup in morning . prominent Acne and skin changes , loss of hair and dandruff .  

Ø      A counselor or  psychologist : who specializes in working with teens may be helpful with goal setting and providing help with any anxiety related to food and health. Consult if there is any eating disorder , constant decrease in performance , any behavioral change you notice which is seems to be very abnormal .   

Sunday 29 March 2015

Free Radical and Oxidative stress cause lifestyle diseases solution is antioxidants

This article of mine influenced by book “What your doctor don’t know about nutritional medicine may be killing you”  written by Dr. Ray D. Strand , MD. He explained theory of free radical, oxidative stress and its relation to the lifestyle diseases in very simple way and I personally feel everyone must read this book. Wants to pay my thanks to one of my friend, who suggests me this book to enhance my core competence in preventive health care. 

Lifestyle disease and Free radical damage Recent research has verified that the major levels of tissue damage found in heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and dementia is caused by an excess of a group of rogue chemicals known as ‘free radicals.’ When present in excess, these free radicals produce a state of ‘oxidative stress’ within the body which initiates many destructive pathways. These pathways initiate a flow of physiological changes leading to disease long before clinical symptoms are present.

What are free radicals and how do they cause oxidative stress?

To understand this I want to take you  to the level of smallest unit of body i.e. is “cell” and each cell contain mitochondria. These microscopic structures are sometimes called as “the powerhouse of the cell" because they generate energy in the form of ATP by using oxygen through transfer of electrons and produce a by – product of water. This process goes on without snag, at least 98 % of the time. But this process of using four electrons of oxygen to reduce it into water does not always happen as planned and a “free radical”is produced.  Now imagine your self in front of a crackling fire wood and a ember fall on a cloth or carpet can cause a whole in that. Same way this sparking and popping continue month after month and year after year you end up a burned cloth or carpet in front of fire wood. Yes this ember represents free radical and this carpet is your body which part of body receives added free radical, become prone to oxidative stress. Chronic oxidative stress can promote disease of most affected organ or body part. If eyes then macular degeneration, if joint then arthritis, if blood vessels then heart attack, arthrosclerosis etc, if brain Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s diseases. Extensive oxidative damage to DNA is likely to cause mutations that may lead to cancer formation.

Our bodies have an intrinsic antioxidant capacity which works tirelessly to repair the damage caused by these free radicals. Body creates its own antioxidants. It’s not important to know further details but important is to realize that we all have our own natural defense system.  And this body’s antioxidant defense potential can be enhanced in two important ways; 1) increasing antioxidant enzyme activity (this generally occurs via exercise and a resulting cellular adaptive response) and 2) through the ingestion of foods containing natural antioxidants. (e.g. fruits and vegetables).
Food derived antioxidants have attracted considerable attention in recent years owing to the observation that persons who consume regular amounts of these molecules in their diet have a reduced risk of developing a range of lifestyle related diseases. Dark fruits and vegetables have the highest concentrations of antioxidants and should be consumed regularly to enhance the body’s antioxidant capacity. Green and white tea ‘polyphenols’ have been extensively studied and have been shown to be potent antioxidants that, not only neutralize free radicals but minimize cosmetic sun damage as well. Vitamins A, C, and E also have an antioxidant profile, however they have proven to be double edged swords as excess consumption will cause these molecules to become pro-oxidants that fuel free radical production.

Factors that causes the production of more free radicals than our bodies can fight off are very important to know , Excessive exercise, Excessive stress ,Air pollution ,Cigarette smoking, Polluted food and water ,UV rays, Medication & radiation.  these factors become big challenge for us specially water, air pollution and contaminated food due to chemicals and pesticides used in crop . We need to find out solution to save our new generation from these very harmful diseases .  


  2. 1) Yoshikawa, T.: A Guide to Free Radicals. Part 2. Sentan Igaku Sha, Tokyo, 1998. 2) Yoshikawa, T.: Medicine of Free Radicals. Shindan to Chiryo Sha, Tokyo, 1997. 3) Yoshikawa, T.: Science of Free Radicals. Koudan Sha Saientifikku, Tokyo, 1997.
  3. What your doctor doesn’t now about nutritional medicine may be killing you by Ray D. Strand, MD.

Thursday 26 March 2015

Diabetes: lifestyle disease epidemic

Diet and exercise  plays an important role in the treatment of diabetes. The diet plan of an individual is based on height, weight, age, sex, physical activity lifestyle and nature of the disease conditions & associated diseases . diabetes can be managed with diet and exercise  therapy . Need to be disciplined and to set a routine , fix your meal time , sleeping time , exercise time .  It is very important to never skip any meal. It is easier to keep blood sugars stable if you eat your meals at the same time everyday. Don't overeat at any time of the day.

Drink ample of water. Water is important for everybody every day , but especially for diabetics because dehydration can cause more serious problem . Introduce herbal tea at the place of traditional tea coffee . take low fat diet so you will not attract another lifestyle diseases in the form of heart diseases related to increased cholesterol.

Eat at least 3 -4  servings of fresh vegetables and fruits  daily. Vegetables that can be consumed in larger quantities by diabetics are spring onion , onion , cabbage, mint, spinach, bitter gourd, lady's finger, cauliflower, cucumber, carrots, radish, and pumpkin. Naturally occurring fruit sugar (fructose) is more slowly absorbed than sucrose, and raises the blood glucose to a lesser extent. Very sweet fruits (mango, banana, chikoo, grapes,  etc) can be taken in small portions, along with a meal to reduce the spike in blood glucose.
Avoid eating or drinking anything containing a lot of sugar  and fried or fatty foods. You can take dairy products like milk and 
yogurt but avoid fatty products like butter, cheese, ghee etc. It is better to use low fat milk or skimmed milk .Avoid eating large quantities of lots of rice, potatoes, bananas as these can raise your blood sugar level.

Exercise can help you improve your blood sugar control, as well as boost your overall fitness and reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke.But diabetes and exercise create unique challenges, too. Keep in mind to check your blood sugar before, during and after exercise. It will help to monitor how body responds to exercise — and help you prevent dangerous blood sugar fluctuations.
100 to 250 mg/dL (5.6 to 13.9 mmol/L)  is a safe pre-exercise blood sugar range. You can do workout and if it is for longer time check your blood sugar every 30 mint.This may be difficult if you're participating in outdoor activities or sports. However, this precaution is necessary until you know how your blood sugar responds to changes in your exercise habits.

Stop exercising if: Your blood sugar is 70 mg/dL (3.9 mmol/L) or lower ,you feel shaky, weak or confused. Eat or drink something to raise your blood sugar level, such as:

·        glucose tablets ( 3-4 )
·         1/2 cup  of fruit juice
·         1/2 cup of regular (not diet) soda
·          candy (2-3)

Sunday 15 March 2015

Some effortless lifestyle stay healthy

We have all heard that prevention is better than cure. Prevention is best solution for life style diseases like cancer, diabetes, heat diseases etc. we can save our self from the attack of this disease by making some effortless lifestyle changes. Prevent epidemics of life style diseases by making these  few changes .

1. check your weight:
Obesity is a frequent contributor to life style diseases -related deaths. If you are overweight, you have increased risk of, heart diseases, diabetes, PCOD, hormone disturbances, breast, kidney, oesophagus and colon cancer. So keep check on your body weight.

Advice :  Moderate exercise four times a week or 30 mint walk on daily bases along with a balanced diet is a very easy way to maintain healthy body weight.

2. Avoid smoking and  alcohol:
Alcohol adds on extra calories which may cause weight gain. Where as Cigarettes put you at a risk of lung, kidney, bladder and cervical cancer. Giving up tobacco is perhaps one of the biggest steps you can take to reduce your cancer risk.

Advice:  Adopt healthy habit of walk and meditation; it will help you to reduce smoking and drink. If you are chain smoker, try a nicotine patch, or pop some nicotine gum each time you feel the urge.

3. Good Fiber intake:
A healthy diet is crucial in reducing your chances of getting any disease; more fiber in your diet not only keeps your digestive system healthy, but also keeps your weight in check. Studies say people who consume a high amount of fiber are at 40 percent lower risk of stomach, pancreatic, colon and breast cancer.

Advice: Apart from whole grain cereals at breakfast, opt for high fiber vegetables and fruits in your daily meals.

4. Water intake: 
Water helps keep the body well hydrated, which is essential because almost every cell in the body needs water to function properly. In a clinical trial, scientists found that drinking two glasses of water prior to meals can help suppress appetite and hence support your weight loss efforts. Water also improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. This helps in digestion and prevents constipation. Water is an excellent detoxifier as it helps flush out toxins from your body and get rid of waste mainly through sweat and urine.

Advice: drink 9-12 glass of clean water per day.

5. Get screened regularly: Getting regular health checkups reduces your chances of discovering any life threatening diseases when it has progressed to a later stage.

6. Adequate sleep: 

Adequate sleep is a key part of a healthy lifestyle, and can benefit your heart, weight, mind, and moreResearch indicates that people who get less sleep - six or fewer hours a night- have higher blood levels of inflammatory proteins (Inflammation is linked to heart disease, stroke, diabetes, arthritis, and premature aging)  than those who get more. Sleep helps to loss weight and those who are on diet felt hungrier when they got less sleep.

Advice: Take proper sleep of 8-10 hr and if you have any long term problem in sleep do meditation and seek help from experts. 

Friday 20 February 2015

I am fat : not always bad

Fat become so popular like sharukh khan after DDLG .... everyone is talking about ... only difference is fat received bad reputation  . although fat is one of the essential component required for the human body health and physical performance. Fat act an insulator in the body by making a layer over organs and under skin to provide and maintain body heat and protect body organs. other then this there is another major role of fat in body , it helps to absorb few vitamins which are fat soluble i.e vitamin A ,D,K and E. so if any individual who is avoiding and eliminating fat in diet just being healthy and not to be fatty , can't absorb these vitamins and may develop deficiencies of  nutrients depends on fat , over a period of time .

Like all organs in body, have  primary function same way adipose tissue ( fat ) also have primary function to reserve energy for daily activities  so it provide a large reserve for energy to the body .
fat stored as a result of excess calories consumption in any form like carbohydrates ( wheat, rice etc.)
, proteins or fat . S
o not fat is responsible for weight gain or any medical condition which we directly or indirectly correlate with fat  but we should take right fat in right amount to keep our body healthy and fit.
Add almonds, walnut , flex seeds , peanuts , peanut butter, olive oil ,soybeans in your daily diet and balance diet in right portion of carbs, proteins and milk products. and most important do physical activity so control daily calorie intake to avoid excess fat storage in the fat cells . 

Monday 19 January 2015

Eat smart to lose weight ,But Exercise habitual to look smart & healthy

Its very much true  anyone can lose weight with diet , and comparatively those who are on exercise a person will lose more who is on healthy and smart eating ,
But exercise is an important component. Without it, only a portion of your weight loss is from fat –even you’re compromising on muscle strength and bone density. Since working out stimulates growth metabolic tissues and batter utilisation of food nutrition which is very important for healthy living, losing weight through exercise means you're burning mostly fat, and those extra calories into energy which make you feel active whole day.

The number on the scale may not sound as notable, but because muscle takes up less space than fat does, you look slimmer and your clothes fit better. And to lose weight with exercise you don't need to run marathons and on treadmill for hours. You just need to build up to five to seven workouts a week, 50 minutes each, at a moderate intensity, like brisk walking.

Beyond burning fat, exercise can have other remarkable health benefits, like improving the quality of your sleep, lowering your cholesterol and reducing your stress level, batter muscle tone, improve concentration and work efficiency..And longevity.. 

Tuesday 13 January 2015

Drink Plenty of Water for healthy spine

Spine is very important part of body and very complex structure too , now a days problems related to spine growing like anything , degeneration in early age is one of the major issue which create more complication over a period of time .

Most commonly affected structure of spine due to degeneration is inter vertebral disc. Over time, these repeated daily movements like standing , sitting , bending  and minor injuries can add up and begin to affect the discs in your spine. Minor injuries to the disc may occur and not cause pain at the time of the injury.

With degenerative disc disease, the main problem lies within one or more of the inter vertebral discs. Inter vertebral disc is a soft disc like structure between each of the vertebra in your spine. The inter vertebral discs are designed to absorb pressure and keep the spine flexible by acting as cushions during body movement. The discs are similar to shock absorbents. Without the cushion effect of the discs, the vertebrae in your spine would not be able to absorb stresses, or provide the movement needed to bend and twist. Bones cannot sustain high stress repeatedly without being damaged. Much of the mechanical stress of everyday movements is transferred to the discs.
A healthy inter vertebral disc has a great deal of water in the nucleus pulposus - the centre portion of the disc. The water content gives the nucleus a spongy quality and allows it to absorb spinal stress. Excessive pressure or injuries to the disc can cause the injury to the annulus - the outer ring of tough ligament material that holds the vertebrae together. Generally, the annulus is the first portion of the disc that seems to be injured. Small tears show up as in the ligament material of the annulus. These tears heal by scar tissue. The scar tissue is not as strong as normal ligament tissue. Over time, as more scar tissue forms, the annulus becomes weaker. Eventually this can lead to damage of the nucleus pulposus. The nucleus begins to lose its water content due to the damage - it begins to dry up.
Because of water loss, the discs lose some of their ability to act as a cushion. This can lead to even more stress on the annulus and still more tears as the cycle repeats itself. As the nucleus loses its water content it collapses, allowing the two vertebrae above and below to move closer to one another. This results in a narrowing of the disc space between the two vertebrae. As this shift occurs, the facet joints located at the back of the spine are forced to shift. This shift changes the way the facet joints work together and can cause problems in the facet joints as well.
Bone spurs, sometimes called osteophytes, may begin to form around the disc space. These bones spurs can also form around the facet joints. This is thought to be due to the body's response to try to stop the excess motion at the spinal segment. The bone spurs can become a problem if they start to grow into the spinal canal and press into your spinal cord and nerves. This condition is called spinal stenosis

It is vitally important to drink plenty of water as part of a healthy diet to nourish the entire body, which is comprised of about 60% to 70% water. Drinking water to stay well hydrated allows nutrients to travel to the major organs in the body, helps remove waste and helps protect joints and organs.
So Water is also very  important for the spine and back. As  inter vertebral discs consist largely of water (at birth, discs are about eighty percent water, although this usually declines with age). Therefore, keeping the body well hydrated by drinking water regularly is important to nourish the spinal discs and help keep them healthy.

Thursday 8 January 2015

Winter on peek time to eat SWEET POTATO: Enjoy taste and nutrition both

Sweet potato, not only is just good to your taste buds but also good for your cardiovascular system , nuromuscular system , eye site , and oxidative stress in  your body.
Sweet potato is grown throughout the tropical and warm temperate regions. The crop just requires sufficient water and little attention for their successful cultivation. It is produced by china in large amount . 
The orange-flesh sweet potatoes are exceedingly rich in beta-carotene. The purple-flesh varieties are outstanding sources of anthocyanins, especially peonidins and cyanidins. Both types of sweet potatoes are rich in unique phytonutrients, including polysaccharide-related molecules called batatins and batatosides. Sweet potatoes also include storage proteins called sporamins that have unique antioxidant properties. Sweet potatoes are an excellent source of vitamin A (in the form of beta-carotene). They are also a very good source of vitamin C, manganese, copper, pantothenic acid, and vitamin B6. Additionally, they are a good source of potassium, dietary fiber, niacin, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, and phosphorus. It is good source of amino acids

Sweet Potato, baked
1.00 medium
(200.00 g)
GI: medium
4.02 g
41.42 g
Fat – total
0.30 g
Dietary Fiber
6.60 g
Vitamin A International Units (IU)
38436.00 IU
Vitamin B1
0.21 mg
Vitamin B2
0.21 mg
Vitamin B3
2.97 mg
Vitamin B6
0.57 mg
76.00 mg
6.00 mcg
1.38 mg
54.00 mg
108.00 mg
950.00 mg
0.40 mcg
72.00 mg

Possible health benefits of consuming sweet potatoes
Consuming fruits and vegetables of all kinds has long been associated with a reduced risk of many adverse health conditions. Many studies have suggested that increasing consumption of plant foods like sweet potatoes decreases the risk of obesitydiabetes, heart disease and overall mortality while promoting a healthy complexion, increased energy, and overall lower weight.
Sweet potatoes are considered low on the glycemic index scale, and recent research suggests they may reduce episodes of low blood sugar and insulin resistance in people with diabetes. The fibre in sweet potatoes makes a big difference too.

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends 21-25 grams of fibre per day for women and 30-38 grams per day for men, which most people do not reach.

Antioxidants play important role in diseases caused by oxidative stress .


Plant foods like sweet potatoes that are high in both vitamin C and beta-carotene offer an immunity boost from their powerful combination of nutrients.
Inflammation Choline is a very important and versatile nutrient in sweet potatoes that helps with sleep, muscle movement, learning and memory. Choline also helps to maintain the structure of cellular membranes, aids in the transmission of nerve impulses, assists in the absorption of fat and reduces chronic inflammation.
In a study published by the Journal of Medicinal Food, purple sweet potato extract was found to have positive anti-inflammatory and antilipogenic effects as well as free radical scavenging and reducing activity.

According to Duke ophthalmologist Jill Koury, MD, vitamin A deficiency causes the outer segments of the eye's photoreceptors to deteriorate, damaging normal vision. Correcting vitamin A deficiencies with foods high in beta-carotene will restore vision.