Wednesday 19 November 2014

Make your morning a healthy morning with Surya - Namaskar

Today one of my client talked to me about surya namaskar , so I decide to write about it today  . Surya namaskar is a common sequence of asans i.e  7 postures including exercise of whole body and it works like wonder in weight loss , so many studies are done on surya namaskar . and it is found that there  is significant improvement in our pulmonary function test , stamina , hand grip , endurance , flexibility and  increase the joint mobility .

But it should be done under guidance when you want to start it as it contain bit hyperextension exercises which should be done with the advice of a physiotherapist or your doctor .

Before doing  proper sequence of the posture in  suryanamaskar batter to do a short training of different exercise for different parts of body to bring body on a certain fitness level to do the sequence of asans. Stretching exercise for leg arm and back are batter to do before you start it .   And the repetition of the asans should also be done less first then gradually increase it . you can begin with set of three repetition , then make it five then ten and so on as per your stamina .
Posture 1  :  Stand erect, ideally facing the morning sun. Fold your hands in prayer close to your chest and chant 'Om Suryadevaya Namah' thrice.

Posture 2 : With your hands together raise your arms up in the air while you breathe in. Bend over backwards forming an arch from the hands to your feet. The flexibility of the spine is ensured in this posture.

Posture 3 :  Bring your hands down while you breathe out to touch the floor on either side of your feet. In this posture, it is very important to keep your knees straight as you bend forward from the waist and your head as close as possible to the knee. This posture helps melt the excess fat around the stomach by aiding digestion. And it is self stretching of hamstring muscles helps to release lower back too.  If any backache history is there then consult your physiotherapist first to do it .

Posture 4 : While breathing in, put your hands flush with the floor and lower your hips and stretch your left leg back, allowing it to balance on your toes, and your right leg bent in a crouching stance. With your hands firmly on the ground and your arms straight as a die, raise your head upwards to face the sky. This one is for the flexibility of spine and leg muscles, and boosts immunity from diseases.

Posture 5 : As you breathe out, let your hands stay firmly on the ground and push your right leg back parallel to the left. Make sure your feet firmly touch the ground and your hip raised high. With your arms and knees straight lower your head to face your navel.

Posture 6 :  Hold your breath as you bring your hips down while keeping your hands and feet in the same position, and stretch your whole body near the floor. With your face downward, bring your chest and knees to lightly brush the floor, and hold your hips slightly high. At this moment, 8 points of your body are touching the floor - your palms, forehead, chest, knees and toes.

Posture 7 :  This posture is a mere extension of Posture 6, in that you breathe in and straighten your arms and lift your chest upward in an arching stance, and your head thrown back facing the sky. Your arms, at this point, carry the weight of your body, with you knees and toes resting on the floor.

Tuesday 4 November 2014

Fasting ( Detox Diet ) / detoxification an ancient Gift to Make our liver Young……………..

Our body is made up tiny cells and these cells form tissues and these tissues form organs and every organ , gland , muscle of the body work together , and play there specific role to keep us healthy . The liver plays the most important role. “Liver” is an old English word for ‘life’. Chinese call it “the father of all organs”. In aurveda it is a pitta organ.  

Sometime called the engine of the body, the liver has many important roles to play in digesting, metabolizing and manufacturing essential compounds. For instance, the liver is responsible for converting clear plasma (Rasa Dhatu) to blood (Rakta Dhatu). It is the liver's job to scan and identify toxins in the plasma  and store them so they don't enter the blood. This maintains the purity of the blood by keeping  impurities, from mixing with it.
But that's not all. The liver secretes bile, using it to break down and digest fatty acids; it produces blood-clotting factors and at the same time creates protective elements that keep blood clots from blocking the circulatory system. It converts sugar into glycogen and stores it for use by the muscles in the form of glucose energy; it synthesizes proteins and cholesterol. The liver is also the place the body stores valuable trace elements such as iron, copper and Vitamins A, D and B12.

So, we are the only responsible for choosing what you put into your body. Liver toxins can be found in the food around you and that you love to eat.
Peoples are taking treatments for number of problems constipation, allergies, skin rashes, high cholesterol, irritable bowel, high blood sugar asthma, not knowing that the real problem stems from your liver.  This beautiful large detoxifying organ is sluggish, clogged, ailing, and unhappy. And it is all the result of poor diet and lifestyle.
Behind this fact of poor life style there is good news too this organ is true father as it is very forgiving. Optimum liver function can be restored and even a damaged liver can be regenerated.  Its all a matter of knowing what to do and what not to do . now a days it is not so easy to regain a happy liver as it was 100 years back , now we are surrounded by pollutants all around not just outside , but inside our home all , chemicals are become part of our life and over liver is not designed to deal with chemicals and pollutants. So it’s a good idea to do detoxification of our body with natural system , under the guidance of a dietician or person deal in naturopathy and wellness. In our ancient time people use to fasts for more then a week in every 6 month that was scientifically a process of rejuvenation and detoxification of liver.

Liver is designed to operate with clocklike precision. At about two to clock in the morning it begins to sort out the nutrients received from the last meal . if that meal has been light and not eaten too late in the day your liver will easily manage , sending sufficient bile to the gallbladder for next stage of digestion . on the other hand if you will eat heavy meal and too late in night then liver have to do overtime in your MNC without any extra charge , and you will feel grumpy and complain I am not a morning person , actually you are “liverish”. Your liver is over burden , then you get a cup of coffee or tea to get a jump start , but this habit compromise the liven even more . you may then bread butter or junk or fried, oily and all Packed and fancy food from market or so called supper market sound so trendy but full of trans fat , chemical additives , your liver will eventually give up .

Some of the signals of liver anguish include
High BP
Elevated cholesterol
Weight gain
Pot belly
Abdominal bloating
Irritable bowel syndrome
Eczema , acne rosacea , pimples
Chronic fatigue syndrome
Brownish spots on the skin (liver spots)
Hot flushes
Compromised pancreas
The list goes on
Most of in our Indian culture treat these symptoms with drugs and carry on their liver destroying lifestyles.

Fiber is an essential ingredient for a well functioning liver, so eat whole fruits, vegetables (raw if can be consumed) and fibers need more water as it soaks up water ten to thirty times its weight, so consume lots of water.

Whole grain, good fat, orange, carrots, beat root, turnip, whole fruits, basil leaves, broccoli etc good for liver. Eating alkaline fruit empty stomach boost up the functioning of liver and metabolism. Cook fresh and eat fresh, keep salad with major meal, take dinner early and it should be light and healthy. Those who are suffering from any symptom of liver distress can adopt liver – cleansing diet.  We all should adopt the common Russian greeting, “how’s your liver today?”

Monday 13 October 2014

Mechanical cause is the major cause of backache

Back pain is one of the great human affliction almost everyone born to day in Europe or north America has a great chance of suffering a disability back injury regardless of  occupation . Now days it is very common due to changing life style. It becomes one of the lifestyle disease and hampering daily routine life and the professional life too which at major level affecting the millions works day’s loss. , 7 – 10 % of the adult population consults medical professionals each year with back pain.Every one should need to understand the cause of backache. One of the major back pain is mechanical this   accounts for more than 90% back pain episodes, usually affecting patients 20 - 55 years. Onset is often acute , associated with lifting and banding . mechanical pain is related to activity and is generally relived by rest . it is usually confine to the lumbosacral region, buttock , thighs , is asymmetrical , and dose not radiate beyond the knee. On examination lower back muscles spasm tenderness and painful restriction of some but not all movements . in this kind of pain prognosis is good .
Now a days changing life style crate a new pattern and cause of back ache which seems like very major problem. due to long sitting jobs , increasing stress at job i.e. job dissatisfaction , general stress due day to day life , obesity (weight gain)

Muscle tightness and loss of mobility is generally associated with back ache. Muscles imbalance is commonly found that cause deformity at lower back. If any muscle imbalance will be there due to adopting single posture (sitting, standing etc) for longer period of time will cause mechanical backache, proper assessment is required under the guidance of physiotherapist, and every one who is suffering with back pain should understand the proper cause of backache and should discuss in detail with the physiotherapist and learn the set of exercise or under go manual therapy (mobilization) if required. It is the myth that every one has to do same exercise which is commonly found on all resource of knowledge. There is different need of exercise and therapy for every individual. 

Obesity contributes to back pain , carrying extra weight can increase risk for developing several back disorders. Extra weight puts on spine will increase the degeneration of the spine and the disc of vertebra , obesity also contributes in developing osteoarthritis (OA) in the spine , studies show that with weight loss , pain from OA subsides in many patients .A large belly may pull your pelvis forward, which in turn will increase the curve in your lower back (lordosis). The increase lordosis will probably tighten up your back muscles and cause stain and pain.  



DR. ANITA VERMA (PT)                                                                                         
 (B.P.T), (PGDPPHC),(M.I.A.P)
Wellness consultant
Preventive & promotive healthcare specialist                                              


The years between 1 and 6, growth is generally slower than in the first year of life but continue gradually. Activity increases markedly during the second year of life , as the child become increasingly mobile. Development of a full dentition by about the age of 2 years also increases the range of food that can be easily eaten. There is an increased need for all nutrients, but the pattern of specific tissues. During these years children continue to develop new food behaviours. Protein, calcium, iron, vitamin A , vitamin B12, are very important minerals and vitamins required to be take care for kids. Mothers should calculate and monitor the intake of food containing all this for RDA.

Recommended dietary allowances (RDA) for pre – school children

Weight kg
Energy k. cal
Protein g
Fat g

Calcium mg
Iron mg
Vitamin A
Vitamin B12 mg


The recommended protein allowance per unit of body weight is 1.8 per kg body weight for 1 to 3 yrs  and old 1.5 g per kg of body weight for the 4- 6 yr old . Protein is required for tissue building and other function of body, along with protein carbohydrate and fat are also important. If a young Childs diet is inadequate in the amount of carbohydrate and fat, protein will be used for energy rather then for tissues building and other important body functions. Weight will be lost and there rate of growth will decrease.


Fat energy including invisible fat for children should be 2.5 % of total energy and essential fatty acid energy is 5 – 6 %. Excessive intake of fat ( such as from drinking too much whole milk) may dull a child apatite and crowd out other nutrition food.

Vitamins and minerals

Requirements for vitamins and minerals remain high as growth and development progress. A varied died usually provides most vitamins minerals in amount needed by your children. The incidence of vitamin a deficiencies sings is high and serum vitamins A level are generally low among Indian children whose dietary intake is less then 100 mg. daily requirement of vitamin A is 400 mcg. Deficiency of vitamin A in children can cause Bitot’s spots, night blindness, or in several cases total blindness also. Milk, eggs, carrots, and green leaves, vegetables, yellow fruits e.g papaya , mango etc. should be included in the diet


Guidelines to be considered while planning a diet for pre school child.

Ø       The diet should be adequate in quantity and quality of  different nutrients
Ø       Toddlers want be feed themselves and should encouraged to do so
Ø       Thereby finger foods such as carrot can be given
Ø       The diet should include variety of foods
Ø       The child who is taught to eat every thing on his plate is much more likely to enjoy optimal health then is the one who picks and chooses.
Ø       The food served should be of different shapes, flavour and colours; this will improve the food intake.
Ø       The child should be never forced to eat more then he can take
Ø       Young children have high taste sensitivity therefore they prefer mildly flavoured foods
Ø       Food preferences should be taken in to consideration
Ø       Child should never be hurried while taking food
Ø       They have short attention span and are easily distracted from eating
Ø       The person feeding should not show any dislike of that food in front of the child this may lead to rejection of the food by the child.


Nutritionally adequate diet with suitable calories levels to bring about desirable growth and development can prevent obesity, under weight, growth failure dental caries and anaemia .continuous monitoring of growth and nutritional status by health professionals and parents is essential to nip any budding problems in the kids. The primary case for malnutrition is inadequate and faulty diet. Apart from poverty and socioeconomic factors environmental factors also play an important role in aggravating the dietary deficiency diseases. Thus a marginal intake of nutrients which by itself may not lead to clinical deficiency may do so when infectious disease super imposed.  

Tuesday 2 September 2014

VITAMINS AND MINERALS ………….Very Important and Anti aging

Every one know now  that years of faulty nutrition speeds up the process of ageing. Deficiencies of vitamins and minerals can have detrimental effects on the health of the elderly and all . Recent studies indicate that certain vitamins possess anti-oxidant properties and prevent oxidation process. These vitamins are A, E, C and B-carotene. They can by virtue of these properties delay the ageing process. They also prevent degeneration in blood vessels, heart joints and eye lens.


Among vitamins, the most important are vitamins A, B, C,D and E.

Vitamin A is essential for growth and vitality. It builds up resistance to respiratory and other infections and works mainly on the eyes, lungs, stomach and intestines. It prevents eye diseases and plays a vital role in nourishing the skin and hair.

Vitamins  B group, the more important being Bl or thiamine, B2 or riboflavin, B3 or niacin or nicotinic acid, B6 or pyridoxine, B9 or folic acid, B12 and B5 or pantothenic acid. Known as antiberiberi
and anti-ageing vitamin, vitamin Bl plays an important role in the normal functioning of the nervous system. Vitamin B3 is vital for proper circulation, the healthy functioning of the nervous system and for proper protein and carbohydrate metabolism. Vitamin B6 helps in the absorption of fats and proteins,
prevents nervous and skin disorders and protects against degenerative diseases. Vitamin B9, along with vitamin B12, is necessary for the formation of red blood cells. Vitamin B5 stimulates the adrenal glands and increases the production of cortisone and adrenal hormones. Vitamin B12 is essential for the proper functioning of the central nervous system, the production and regeneration of red blood cells and proper utilisation of fat for body building. So some where vitamin B deficiency is the one of the cause of obesity , indigestion , hormonal disturbance etc.

Vitamin C is indispensable for normal growth and the maintenance of practically all the body tissues, especially those of the joints, bones, teeth and gums. It protects against infections and acts as a general antibiotic.

Vitamin D is necessary for proper bones and teeth formation and for the healthy functioning of the thyroid gland.

Vitamin E helps prevent atherosclerosis, strokes and high blood pressure and reduces the risk of heart attacks. Studies have shown that Vitamin E along with selenium can effectively block cancer. Those who have low selenium and Vitamin E in the blood are more prone to develop cancer.

Minerals are vital to health. They are essential for regulating and building the trillions of living cells which
make up the body. The more important mineral elements needed by the body are calcium, phosphorous, iron, sulphur, magnesium, sodium, potassium chlorine and iodine.

We all know about the importance of calcium and iron lets talk about other minerals and there importance .

The main purpose of sulphur is to dissolve waste minerals. It helps to eject some of the waste and poisons from the system. It helps keep the skin clear of blemishes and makes hair glossy. Magnesium is cool, alkaline, refreshing and sleep-promoting. It assists in the functioning of the nervous system and the composition of nerve and muscle cells. It aids in digestion and in the elimination of waste from the system. Sodium is needed for digestion, blood purification and for the manufacture of gland hormones. It is a necessary constituent of gastric juices and is of utmost importance in neutralizing acidity in the body.
Potassium regulates the normal contraction and relaxation of all muscles. It builds up new tissues, flesh, bones andmuscles. It also keeps the joints and arteries flexible.Chlorine is necessary for the formation of natural hydrochloric acid in the stomach and also for the manufacture of glandular hormone secretions. It prevents the building of excessive fat and auto-intoxication. Iodine is essential for the formation of thyroxin — the thyroid hormone which regulates much physical and mental activity. It regulates the rate of metabolism, energy production and body weight and helps prevent rough and wrinkled skin.

It has been found that calcium is deficient in the modern diet, and particularly so, in the diet of older people. One of the many purposes of calcium in nutrition is to transport nerve impulses. When it is in short supply, nerves and muscles are tense, leading to irritability and fatigue. A deficiency of this mineral can also cause cramps. Which often appear in old people, usually in the leg muscles or feet. Insomnia, which is quite common in old age, can be dispelled by the use of calcium, as it relaxes muscles and nerves. Three calcium tablets, taken with a glass of warm milk at bed time, will usually bring sound, refreshing sleep to many older people who do not sleep well. The use of calcium has also been found beneficial in relieving pain. It can be taken in tablet form by older people who are troubled with headache, digestive disorders and arthritis. Other diseases which can be treated by this mineral are menopausal disorders and irritability of nerves and muscles.

Another mineral which is of great importance in old age is iodine. The chief storehouse of iodine in the body is thyroid gland. The essential thyroxine secreted by this gland is made by the circulating iodine. In the body, iodine is converted from the foods rich in this mineral. Thyroxine is a wonder chemical which controls the basic metabolism and oxygen consumption of tissues. It regulates the rate of energy production and body weight and promotes proper growth. It improves mental alacrity and promotes healthy hair, nails, skin and teeth. Deficiency of iodine can lead to myxodema, which is charecterised by slower rate of metabolism, thickening of the skin, loss of hair, general physical and mental sluggishness and enlarged thyroid gland. Dietary lack may lead to anaemia, fatigue, lethargy, loss of interest in sex, slowed pulse, low blood pressure and a tendency towards obesity. The best dietary sources of iodine are kelp and other seaweeds. Other good sources are turnip greens, garlic, water cress, pineapples, pears, citrus fruits, egg yolks, seafoods and fish liver oils. 

Monday 1 September 2014

Life style is the biggest killer :

Today’s life style is become the biggest enemy of human being , the biggest killer in the world today , accounting for over 80% death world wide is not war , infection , or natural calamities , but the biggest  killer is modern lifestyle .
Modern lifestyle factors such as lack of physical activity, imbalance diet and lack of proper nutrition, stress & tension, alcohol and smoking , etc. manifests to lifestyle diseases i.e. high blood pressure , diabetes , dislipidmia , obesity, early degeneration (arthritis), stock etc.

Among all the lifestyle disease obesity is one of the major issue in today’s lifestyle and it becomes the root cause of all major illness , obesity is not simply the accumulation of body fat .obesity is a multifactorial problem, which has no single distinct cause. only some 5%of obesity occur secondary to specific diseases, such as hypothyroid, tumor of the hypothalamus, Cushing’s syndrome etc. most obese condition are due to an undetermined combination of individual , genetic, familial, environmental, physiological, & psychological factors. The numbers of obese and overweight people are rising at an alarming rate . According to statistics  and WHO reports Globally, there are more than100 crores overweight adults, at least 30 crores of them obese. 49.9 % Delhi is overweight Prevalence of obesity Continues to increase in INDIA obesity is a chronic(long term) disease that is difficult and time consuming to treat, there is no over night solution  for this.