Every one know now that years of faulty nutrition speeds up the process
of ageing. Deficiencies of vitamins and minerals can have detrimental effects
on the health of the elderly and all . Recent studies indicate that certain vitamins possess
anti-oxidant properties and prevent oxidation process. These vitamins are A, E,
C and B-carotene. They can by virtue of these properties delay the ageing
process. They also prevent degeneration in blood vessels, heart joints and eye
Among vitamins, the most important are vitamins A, B, C,D and E.
Vitamin A is essential for growth and vitality. It
builds up resistance to respiratory and other infections and works mainly on
the eyes, lungs, stomach and intestines. It prevents eye diseases and plays a
vital role in nourishing the skin and hair.
Vitamins B group, the more important being Bl or thiamine, B2 or riboflavin, B3 or niacin
or nicotinic acid, B6 or pyridoxine, B9 or folic acid, B12 and B5 or pantothenic
acid. Known as antiberiberi
and anti-ageing vitamin, vitamin Bl plays an important role in the normal
functioning of the nervous system. Vitamin B3 is vital for proper circulation, the healthy functioning of the nervous
system and for proper protein and carbohydrate metabolism. Vitamin B6 helps in
the absorption of fats and proteins,
prevents nervous and skin disorders and protects against degenerative
diseases. Vitamin B9, along with vitamin B12, is necessary for the formation of
red blood cells. Vitamin B5 stimulates the adrenal glands and increases the production
of cortisone and adrenal hormones. Vitamin B12 is essential for the proper
functioning of the central nervous system, the production and regeneration of
red blood cells and proper utilisation of fat for body building. So some where
vitamin B deficiency is the one of the cause of obesity , indigestion ,
hormonal disturbance etc.
Vitamin C is indispensable for normal growth and the maintenance
of practically all the body tissues, especially those of the joints, bones,
teeth and gums. It protects against infections and acts as a general
Vitamin D is necessary for proper bones and teeth
formation and for the healthy functioning of the thyroid gland.
Vitamin E helps prevent atherosclerosis, strokes and
high blood pressure and reduces the risk of heart attacks. Studies have shown
that Vitamin E along with selenium can effectively block cancer. Those who have
low selenium and Vitamin E in the blood are more prone to develop cancer.
Minerals are vital to health. They are essential for regulating and
building the trillions of living cells which
make up the body. The more important mineral elements needed by the body
are calcium, phosphorous, iron, sulphur, magnesium, sodium, potassium chlorine
and iodine.
We all know about the importance of calcium and iron lets talk about other
minerals and there importance .
The main purpose of sulphur is to dissolve waste minerals. It
helps to eject some of the waste and poisons from the system. It helps keep the
skin clear of blemishes and makes hair glossy. Magnesium is cool,
alkaline, refreshing and sleep-promoting. It assists in the functioning of the
nervous system and the composition of nerve and muscle cells. It aids in
digestion and in the elimination of waste from the system. Sodium is needed for
digestion, blood purification and for the manufacture of gland hormones. It is
a necessary constituent of gastric juices and is of utmost importance in
neutralizing acidity in the body.
Potassium regulates the normal contraction and
relaxation of all muscles. It builds up new tissues, flesh, bones andmuscles.
It also keeps the joints and arteries flexible.Chlorine is
necessary for the formation of natural hydrochloric acid in the stomach and
also for the manufacture of glandular hormone secretions. It prevents the
building of excessive fat and auto-intoxication. Iodine is essential
for the formation of thyroxin — the thyroid hormone which regulates much
physical and mental activity. It regulates the rate of metabolism, energy production
and body weight and helps prevent rough and wrinkled skin.
It has been found that calcium is deficient in the modern diet, and
particularly so, in the diet of older people. One of the many purposes of calcium
in nutrition is to transport nerve impulses. When it is in short supply, nerves
and muscles are tense, leading to irritability and fatigue. A deficiency of
this mineral can also cause cramps. Which often appear in old people, usually
in the leg muscles or feet. Insomnia, which is quite common in old age, can be dispelled
by the use of calcium, as it relaxes muscles and nerves. Three calcium tablets,
taken with a glass of warm milk at bed time, will usually bring sound,
refreshing sleep to many older people who do not sleep well. The use of calcium
has also been found beneficial in relieving pain. It can be taken in tablet
form by older people who are troubled with headache, digestive disorders and
arthritis. Other diseases which can be treated by this mineral are menopausal
disorders and irritability of nerves and muscles.
Another mineral which is of great importance in old age is iodine. The
chief storehouse of iodine in the body is thyroid gland. The essential
thyroxine secreted by this gland is made by the circulating iodine. In the
body, iodine is converted from the foods rich in this mineral. Thyroxine is a
wonder chemical which controls the basic metabolism and oxygen consumption of
tissues. It regulates the rate of energy production and body weight and
promotes proper growth. It improves mental alacrity and promotes healthy hair,
nails, skin and teeth. Deficiency of iodine can lead to myxodema, which is charecterised
by slower rate of metabolism, thickening of the skin, loss of hair, general
physical and mental sluggishness and enlarged thyroid gland. Dietary lack may lead
to anaemia, fatigue, lethargy, loss of interest in sex, slowed pulse, low blood
pressure and a tendency towards obesity. The best dietary sources of iodine are
kelp and other seaweeds. Other good sources are turnip greens, garlic, water
cress, pineapples, pears, citrus fruits, egg yolks, seafoods and fish liver
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